Category: poetry

A Room To Die In

black drapes,
dusty window.
white carpetting,
big red stain.
naked bed,
no sheets, no pillows.
picture frame,
broken glass, frayed picture.
lightbulb hangs from the water stained ceiling.
news paper clippings glued to the door.
floral wall paper,
teared and falling.
wide eyed, gaping female.
next to the big red stain
on the white carpetting
beside the naked bed.
Blake is the glimpse of sunlight during a storm.
Blake is the plot of a great book.
Blake is the sound of laughter.
Blake is the sweetness of iced lemonade.
Blake is the red of a tomato.
Blake is the innocence of a child.
Blake is the magic trapped in a fairytale.
Blake is the secret everyone is dying to know.
Blake is the many patterns and shades of a shadow.
Blake is the smile of a young child eating a cookie in secret.
Blake is the vividness of shocking blue.
Blake is the golden rule of the game.
Blake is the poison of a vampire.
Blake is the moon that bewitches lovers.
Blake is the best money could never buy.
Blake is the ray of sunlight through a canopy of trees.
Blake is the power of a star exploding.
Blake is the glimpse of sunlight during a storm.

Ashes Will Not Become Roses

ashes to ashes,
we all have our crosses to bare,
she told me through an open window stare.
even if her pictures fade into forgotten shivers,
i’ll remember her as clearly as if she’s here.
even if the words in her letters smear into inky rivers,
i’ll remember those words as if she’s saying them in my ear.
even though she’s gone my heart doesnt care,
i dance with her ghost as the skeletons in my closet play a song.
even though to reality memories cant compare,
amongst my life they do belong.
i know she’s dead and gone
but our love will march on.
i know her corpse is decayed and rotten
but her beauty wont be forgotten.
love like this cant ever die,
its with this truth that i believe.
hope like this cant ever say goodbye,
its with this lie that i leave.
ashes to ashes,
we all have our crosses to bare and you are mine,
i told her through my break in time.


some friend you are!

friendship is like a flower

which distrust will devour.
we’ve made it out of hell alive-
now through this cant we survive?
cross your heart, dont hope to die.
one will live on, the other will carry a lie.
growing old with the guilt and shame,
the one will wish to forget the other’s name.

i dont want to forget your name.

love isnt forever.
i will love you until my heart pleads not to.
i will love you until time makes me hate you.
i will love you until the leaves fall
 i will love you until the roses die.
i will love you until you leave me.
i will love you until the sun explodes and we all die.
i will love you until the river flows in reverse.
i will love you until the sunflowers bloom on the moon.
i will love you until the apocalypse comes.
i will love you until the earth falls out from beneath us.
i will love you until the world brings me down.
i will love you until my breath goes out.
forever isnt love.

this is love

Du und Ich

durch den dunkel langsam mit mich.
du und ich zu mal (are) nicht der gleich
doch es muss nicht sache.
ich kennen du.
das shrei ab du
ist mein fiend.

it's love,baby!

put me in a reserved v.i.p section
i am a part of your butterfly collection
more than natural selection
theres no sign of recollection
or the smell of acid every where
you pin my wings down with intense care
you killed me with that stare
why would you take me there
a place of dark and gloom
you bury me in your room
you cover the scent of my rot with my own perfume
my originaly was my doom
you hunted me down to collect me
you exposed my difference for all to see
why couldnt you let me be
like an animal beauty should die wild and free
put me in a reserved v.i.p section
i am a part of your butterfly collection
more than natural selection
theres no sign of recollection
or the smell of decay every where.

only love would do this to a person.

you have the chemicals to bring me to life
so please react me tonight
kick my pull switch
pull my kick switch
turn me on tonight
drag me back to life
throw me back into the fight
open my cage and let my rage into the night.

cant change me.

i am all these things.
all these things i am.
i am of a body no man could rule.
i am of a mind no man could fool.
i am of a spirit no man could shake.
i am of a heart no man could break.
i am of a eye no man could blind.
i am of a voice no man could find.
i am of a mouth no man could shut.
i am of a life no man could cut.
i am of a kiss no man could trust.
i am of a touch no man could rust.
i am of a Lord no man could  deny.
i am of a truth no man could lie.
all these things i am.
i am all these things.

a key to the box of the mega paradox

you can lead me away,
just know i  want just disappear.
you dont want me to say,
just know they will hear.
you force me to leave,
just know i’ll be back for you.
you have a trick up your sleave,
just know i do too.
you have the hour, the chemestry,
just know i exsist.
you have the power, the weaponry,
just know i’ll resist.
it doesnt have to be this way,
i know you know you’re wrong.
we dont all have to die today,
i know you’ve known all along.
i can make this easy,i can make this hard,
you know i wont go down with out a fight.
i know whats my right.
i will never lose hope because thats my guard.
to let go would be unothordox.
now  you’ll have me on the count of 3.
i live from dying is my paradox.
now you have me-
-where you want me.